Webpage Midway Bonsai Society Midrand
Web Page Pretoria Bonsai Kai - Northern Pretoria
FB Page East Rand Bonsai Kai Boksburg
Eastern Bonsai Society Highlands North
FB Page Shibui Bonsai Kai - Emmerentia
FB Suikerbos Bonsai Kai - Heidelberg
Waterberg Bonsai Kai - Bela Bela
Moyogi Bonsai Kai - Witbank
Bonsai Regional Association TVL
Webpage African Bonsai Association
Website for World Bonsai Friendship Federation
If you really want to learn, how to do bonsai, the internet will teach you a lot. But it will never beat the teachings and instructions of hands on work. The best place to learn, is by joining a club.
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Mon - Fri 8am to 5pm
Sat 8am to 1pm
Sun Closed
Firethorns on special @ R150ea
The humidity of the soil has to be maintained at all times. Rain water is best because it soft  and  almost  neutral.  The  maintenance of  soil  acidity poses  no  problem if  we conscientiously root-trim and repot yearly. Otherwise, to maintain soil acidity, we must feed small doses of  ammonium sulphate once  at  monthly intervals, especially if municipal water is used. Another method for ensuring continued soil acidity is to water exclusively with the diluted extract of used tea-leaves. Or add a few drops of vinegar to your water.
The vigorous root system of azaleas growth makes it necessary to pot them in deeper pots.
In hot, dry climates Azaleas adapt only to dappled sunlight or early morning sun. In rainless areas a refreshing shower with a fine hose spray helps to revive heat- exhausted plants. Trimming is done after the flowers have faded but is suspended in autumn until the following year. During flowering, remove old flowers as the flowers pull a lot of nutrition from the tree.
AZALEA (Rhododendron)
Flowering bonsai are grown for the spectacle they provide when in bloom. Among the most dramatic are the azaleas which are deciduous or evergreen flowering shrubs that love a humid atmosphere and are drought sensitive. Azalea indicum has large leaves and flowers whilst those of Kurume and  Satsuki  azaleas are  small. A  great number of hybrids will be found to choose from, each with distinctly different blooms.
Working with azaleas is begun immediately
after the shrubs have flowered. It may not be left too late because there is a danger of destroying the formation of the following year's flower buds which appear at the tips of the branchlets. Azaleas produce masses of fine roots. Be careful of pruning the surface roots when reducing the root-ball. On   the   above   ground   section,   and because Azalea wood is brittle, styling is preferably done via the clip-and-grow method, wiring only on twigs. Growth can be shortened fearlessly because azaleas back bud profusely.
The potting soil used is the standard well-draining mix to which an extra part of moisture-retaining properties is added to the soil. PH should be acidic 4,5 to 5,5. Alternatively obtain acid potting compost from Garden Centres. When formulating the mix remember that, although azaleas like humid roots, they do not like soggy soil. Therefore it should contain at least
1/3 of sharp aggregate.






by Jonathan Cain

We are a Bonsai Nursery, based in Midrand, Gauteng, South Africa. We import pots, tools and accessories directly, enabling us to give the lowest prices. We grow and style our own trees, species suitable to the High Veld environmental conditions. We supply and consult to bonsai clubs and growers, corporates, nurseries, weddings, promotional gift companies and individuals.